One Hundred Years of Solitude..

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Imagine a century worth of stories of a lineage, from the rise and fall of their founded town.  A family with unique but intriguing members, each having unusual purpose in life, and with a fate which cannot be altered.

The book was beautifully written, different from the previous books I’ve ever read.  At first, I’ve found it boring, but as I continue to read, it turned interesting with the fast change of events.   The book portrayed different characters, some that you’d think about for some time and some that you’d easily forget.  It was written in a way that would bring out different emotions of the reader.   At times I was so caught up into it that I thought what I was reading was of reality and then suddenly it turned into something mythical and impossible that I would just smile to my silly self.

The book makes me realize, that whatever I do, there is no way to avoid my fate which is death.  Some of us may live rich and famous, some may suffer poverty, and almost every one of us will strive to justify our lives, but in the end only death awaits.  And given time, all our efforts when we were alive will be forgotten.  It is a sad realization but.. true.  Anyway, I will always remember that before death, there is LIFE.

~ by JM on August 8, 2012.

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